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OrgChart_Homepage_Chart Approved Headcount: Span of Control: 2 2 EMILY BENNET Director, Public Relations Approved Headcount: Span of Control: 2 3 PATRICK MONROE Manager, Marketing Approved Headcount: Span of Control: 6 5 CARMINE LUCAS VP, Marketing Approved Headcount: Span of Control: 1 2 EUGENE GREENE Manager, Marketing Approved Headcount: Span of Control: 2 2 CAMERON ROGERS Sr. Marketing Analyst Approved Headcount: Span of Control: 4 5 DAVID WILLIAMS Director, Marketing Approved Headcount: Span of Control: 3 3 VACANT Marketing Manager CARMINE LUCAS Vice President, Marketing Salary: Employee Salary Rollup: Contractor Salary Rollup: Total Salary: Budgeted Salary: $119,000 $1,763,000 $480,000 $2,243,000 $3,075,414 EMILY BENNET Director, Public Relations Salary: Employee Salary Rollup: Contractor Salary Rollup: Total Salary: Budgeted Salary: $87,000 $519,000 $166,000 $685,000 $914,000 EUGENE GREENE Manager, Brand Strategy Salary: Employee Salary Rollup: Contractor Salary Rollup: Total Salary: Budgeted Salary: $69,000 $108,000 $95,000 $203,000 $173,000 DAVID WILLIAMS Director, Channel Marketing Salary: Employee Salary Rollup: Contractor Salary Rollup: Total Salary: Budgeted Salary: $85,000 $553,000 $74,000 $627,000 $2,564,500 CAMERON ROGERS Sr. Marketing Analyst Salary: Employee Salary Rollup: Contractor Salary Rollup: Total Salary: Budgeted Salary: $75,000 $325,000 $- $400,000 $510,000 PATRICK MONROE Manager, Content Marketing Salary: Employee Salary Rollup: Contractor Salary Rollup: Total Salary: Budgeted Salary: $74,000 $148,000 $296,000 $444,000 $178,500 Starting Salary: Employee Salary Rollup: Contractor Salary Rollup: Total Salary: Budgeted Salary: $75,000 $- $- $- $- VACANT Director, Digital Media Approved Headcount: Span of Control: 2 3 PATRICK MONROE Manager, Content Marketing Approved Headcount: Span of Control: 6 5 CARMINE LUCAS Vice President, Marketing Approved Headcount: Span of Control: 2 2 EMILY BENNET Director, Public Relations Approved Headcount: Span of Control: 1 2 EUGENE GREENE Manager, Brand Strategy Approved Headcount: Span of Control: 4 5 DAVID WILLIAMS Director, Channel Marketing Approved Headcount: Span of Control: 3 3 VACANT Director, Digital Media Approved Headcount: Span of Control: 2 2 CAMERON ROGERS Sr. Marketing Analyst PATRICK MONROE Manager, Marketing 882.973.9424 CAMERON ROGERS Sr. Marketing Analyst 913.992.0193 EUGENE GREENE Manager, Marketing 973.876.2003 EMILY BENNET Director, Public Relations 667.325.7589 DAVID WILLIAMS Director, Marketing 212.430.8892 VACANT Marketing Manager CARMINE LUCAS VP, Marketing 667.325.7589

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Smarter Business Planning Starts with Comprehensive, Clear Org Charts

Easily manage your org chart with real-time sync. Updates in your HRIS roll directly into your org chart, automatically. Giving you real-time visibility into your organization.

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Leverage information from multiple sources to look deeper into your organization. Allow critical decisions to be made more easily, with better information.

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Optimize workforce planning in collaboration with key stakeholders to track key metrics, set targets, measure changes, and execute the vision of your organization.

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Seamlessly integrate your full tech stack to get the most out of your people data. Bring multiple systems together to create the org chart that actually represents your organization.

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OrgChart Integrates with 50+ HR Systems









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