
Artificial Intelligence: The Silent Game Changer

May 1, 2023

6:00 AM

By OrgChart Team


A man sitting at a desk, working on a laptop. The laptop is open to an orgchart software program.

Editor’s Note: This article is part of a series by OrgChart, focused on how human resources professionals and leaders leverage artificial intelligence. View the full series here.

AI and Automation: An Urgent Call to Action for HR Leaders

We are on the cusp of a revolution, with artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technology drastically transforming our world. This change is palpable in HR, which is far from immune to this tech revolution. If anything, the “Great Resignation,” followed by substantial economic headwinds across many industries, left HR professionals little choice but to adapt or be left behind.

Related content: AI Policy Template for HR Leaders

AI: The Invisible Catalyst in the Workplace

AI, already embedded in our homes, cars, phones, and more, is rapidly becoming a silent game-changer within our professional spaces. It’s not whether your organization will implement AI and automation but when. Even if you have a ‘no-AI’ policy, Diane Gherson, Chief Human Resource Officer at IBM, highlights that your employees are likely already using AI discreetly (or will be soon). The need to acknowledge and navigate this wave of change has never been more pressing.

Invisible yet impactful, AI manifests itself in various ways in the workplace. It’s the sophisticated email filter guarding against spam, the digital assistant arranging your meetings, the chatbot answering customer queries, and much more. From streamlining workflow to managing client relationships, AI is the silent “accelerator” bolstering team efficiency, employee engagement, and business innovation.

AI tools are becoming indispensable for modern employees. Automating mundane tasks gives them more time to focus on complex issues — or balance the stress of their lives after following reductions in force and other changes. AI-powered analytics offer insights from large data sets that would be otherwise overwhelming to handle manually. Embrace AI, and you’re not only equipping your workforce with more intelligent tools but also fostering an innovative culture, enhancing employee morale and work/life balance, and boosting productivity.

Woman at desk smiling and leaning back

Related content: The Potential of AI in HR

Bring AI from Behind the Scenes to the Forefront of Human Resources

Investing in AI goes beyond enhancing the daily operations of your employees; it extends into the realm of HR and recruiting. As stated by Tom Stachura, Vice President of Talent Solutions and People Analytics at IBM, AI provides the “right intelligence in the moment and achieves personalization at scale.”

AI holds transformative potential for HR. For instance, IBM’s Watson Candidate Assistant (WCA) has significantly improved the hiring process with AI. IBM’s Vice President of HR Communications, Carrie Altieri, shares how the tool has changed the game for them: “IBM gets 7,000 resumes per day, and surfacing the right candidate in a reasonable time is like finding a needle in a haystack. Since implementing WCA, we have dramatically cut time-to-hire, doubled NPS, and vastly improved the matching of candidates to jobs.”

Similarly, as per Joanna Daly, vice president of talent at IBM, when AI was piloted for candidate attraction, it significantly increased the number of candidates applying for jobs at IBM. AI’s impact was not just in boosting the effectiveness of HR operations; it also increased candidate interest and engagement.

Managing Ethical and Practical Challenges of AI

Like any technological advancement, the integration of AI in HR presents challenges, particularly around ethics and practicality. It’s crucial to address these challenges proactively, from data privacy to bias, reliance on technology, and potential ethical dilemmas. By formulating and implementing AI policies, prioritizing data security, minimizing bias, and maintaining transparency in AI usage, organizations can reap the benefits of AI while mitigating its risks.

Related content: Is There a Case for the Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources?

Chart the Path for an AI-Powered HR Future

AI is here to stay, and the sooner HR leaders recognize this, the better. Tina Marron-Partridge, global leader of talent and transformation at IBM, asserts that strategic AI integration opens new business opportunities, transforming how HR contributes to an organization’s competitive edge.

Colleagues working on laptop from cafe

Banning AI or adopting a no-AI policy can only hinder your organization’s progress. AI is not the adversary; it’s the ally. Your employees are already harnessing its benefits. It’s high time to formalize this process and take the lead in shaping the future of HR, a future that is intrinsically intertwined with AI will enable you to navigate the evolving landscape and ensure your organization’s success by embracing this reality.
