
10 Tips For a Successful CEO Succession Plan with Examples

July 24, 2023

6:39 PM

By OrgChart Team


A man sitting at a desk, working on a laptop. The laptop is open to an orgchart software program.

Navigating CEO Succession: A 10-Step Guide with OrgChart

In today’s fast-paced business environment, knowing how to create a CEO succession plan is more than an option — it’s a business imperative. A leadership transition can significantly affect a company’s performance and future. Yet, crafting effective CEO succession planning best practices remains challenging for many organizations, leaving them unprepared for inevitable leadership changes.

Succession planning software like OrgChart can help navigate this process. By providing real-time visuals of your organization’s structure, tracking crucial metrics, and facilitating collaboration, OrgChart is your ally in making strategic decisions and simplifying HR processes.

A structured framework like a CEO succession plan template ensures a comprehensive approach to succession planning. It outlines crucial steps and elements from candidate identification to the transition process.

Consider what a successful multinational corporation might do with a detailed succession plan template featuring clearly defined steps, from vetting potential internal successors to creating a clear definition of done for the transition itself. This template ensures that even the largest organizations can demonstrate a people-centric approach despite dispersed teams and other challenges.

Let’s explore 10 vital steps to creating a CEO succession plan — with examples — to equip you with a well-crafted CEO succession plan template.

Disclaimer: The examples provided in this article do not reference any OrgChart clients and are exclusively meant to illustrate the concepts discussed herein. We deeply respect the privacy of our clients and strictly adhere to our obligation to protect the sensitive data with which we work.

Establish Clear Leadership Criteria:

Prioritize the future strategic direction of your company by defining the type of leader your organization needs. Consider expected challenges and the leadership style that will tackle them effectively.

For example, a tech startup focusing on AI might require a leader with a strong background in artificial intelligence and innovation. The leader should also have experience scaling startups and a leadership style fostering creativity and collaboration.

Female team leader running an office meeting

Define Criteria & Supporting Systems to Aid in the Process:

Choosing the right technology can streamline your succession planning process, enhance communication, and provide valuable data to inform your decisions. Consider how you will see and compare candidate data in an unbiased way. You want a clear visual of your organizational structure that highlights gaps and opportunities for development and facilitates collaboration among stakeholders. Consider leveraging software and systems that integrate data from HR platforms for performance tracking, applicant-tracking systems, and talent management or collaboration tools for communication among the planning committee.

For instance, a biotechnology firm could leverage its existing HR system and data visualization tools to identify high-potential internal candidates and track their performance. The data, when presented in an accessible way, could help make informed decisions, contributing to a smoother transition while ensuring the candidates who best understand the firm’s nuanced subject matter rise to the top.

Related: Reviews of OrgChart by Verified Industry Professionals

Build a Talent Pipeline for Succession Planning:

Visualize your organizational structure to identify and develop high-potential candidates within your organization before a vacancy arises. Doing so can reveal gaps and opportunities for employee development.

For example, a large-scale manufacturing company may implement a robust employee development program to identify potential leaders from various departments. The company can train and prepare these individuals using performance data and regular feedback sessions, ensuring a pool of talented candidates is ready to step up  needed.

Assess Internal and External Talent for the CEO Role:

While promoting leaders from within has benefits, sometimes the necessary skills reside outside your organization. Adopt a balanced approach to assess both internal and external candidates.

Consider a global software firm seeking a new CEO with specific experience in cloud computing could use its succession planning tools to evaluate internal candidates alongside external candidates. This helps ensure a balanced view and a consideration of the best fit for the role.

Related Content: Aging Employees and Human Resource Management — Avoiding the Talent Crunch

Define the Role of the Current CEO in Succession Planning:

The insights of the current CEO can provide an invaluable understanding of the role and its requirements. By mentoring potential successors, they can effectively prepare them for future responsibilities.

For instance, knowing he would retire in two years, the CEO of an established logistics company might begin sharing his insights and experiences with potential successors. He would create a mentorship program, which allows potential leaders to gain first-hand knowledge and prepare for their upcoming responsibilities.

Female executives with takeaway coffee mentoring one another

Prepare for Unexpected Leadership Transitions:

Unforeseen circumstances may necessitate an immediate leadership change. Having an emergency succession plan in place safeguards your organization.

Imagine a consumer electronics company where the CEO had to step down unexpectedly due to personal reasons. An emergency succession plan, which includes a shortlist of capable interim leaders, ensures a swift and smooth transition with minimal impact on business operations.

Develop a CEO Transition Plan:

The handover phase from the outgoing CEO to the successor is critical. A detailed CEO transition plan guides this phase, minimizing disruptions to your organization.

When a planned CEO transition occurs at a leading automobile manufacturer, the outgoing CEO and successor would work together, using a comprehensive transition plan. Such a roadmap ensures a smooth transition with minimal disruption to the organization’s workflow.

Update Your CEO Succession Plan Regularly:

As your organization evolves, so should your CEO succession plan. Regular reviews and updates ensure it stays relevant to the changing needs of your business.

For instance, an online retail company, in response to the changing business landscape, reviews and updates its CEO succession plan every six months, ensuring alignment with its current objectives and the industry’s evolving dynamics.

Communicate Your Succession Plan:

Transparency is key in succession planning. Inform key stakeholders like the board of directors, management team, and employees about the plan, preparing the organization for the eventual leadership transition.

Man in a suit speaks to a group of people in a meeting room

A community-based nonprofit organization, for example, shares its succession plan with its members, volunteers, and board of directors. Clear and open communication keeps everyone informed and prepared for upcoming leadership transitions.

Related Content: Nonprofit Org Chart Best Practices: The Complete Guide

Leverage Technology for Effective Succession Planning:

Platforms like OrgChart make succession planning efficient. By helping to visualize your organizational structure, identify potential successors, track key metrics, and facilitate real-time collaboration, OrgChart streamlines your CEO succession planning process.

Consider a national energy company that integrated its HR platform with a project management tool. This would allow the company to track key performance metrics and promote collaboration among teams, enhancing the efficiency of their succession planning process.

Strengthen Your Succession Planning with OrgChart

Begin your journey toward improved succession planning today. Request a demo to discover the difference OrgChart can make in your organization’s succession planning process. With OrgChart, you’re not merely safeguarding your company’s future but constructing the foundation for continued success. Request a demo.